Does Being Rich Make You Successful?


I have always been fascinated by the topic of Success. So much that I decided to do three (3) years of research on success and leadership. I interviewed leaders at the top of their organizations to find out what they considered to be the traits that led to their success, and the Challenges they had to overcome. Then I was lucky enough to have the findings published in the Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge (JAABC), as well as other books.

These days when I go around to speak or attend conferences and events, I take the opportunity to find out what success means to individuals. Listen to Miko Branch Founder and CEO of Miss Jessie’s as she shares her definition of success. Miko is recognized as Pioneer for transforming the haircare industry for natural and curly hair.

Brian Tracy asked the question “Does Being Rich Make You Successful?” Responses came in many forms from those responding “YES–But“, to the more common “No’ responses giving their reasons why.

Thinking further about this Pest-like Lusted phenomenon that defies many, I heard of an ailing executive rolling in the $$$, who had an incurable condition. He was asked the question to which he replied that he would give all his money in exchange for life.

Isn’t that crazy? What most dream and become obsessed about, those who have it would exchange it for life’s normal everyday living.

Define Success

Personally, I believe it is important to define what Success Means to you. It’s no Coincidence. How will you know when you have achieved it? Defining it helps you to visualize your expectations, whether it is to be ‘rich’, get an education, start a family, land that dream job, or become that all time successful entrepreneur. Whatever your goal for success, take the step today to achieve it.

Now its your turn. Do you believe being rich makes you successful? Can’t wait to hear your take.


Need help with taking that next step in your career? Let’s Connect

Author: Dr. Shelly C

Dr. Shelly Cameron is Founder of the Global Coaching Corner. She is an Author, Speaker, and Certified Master Coach. She has researched the topic of Success and written 9 books on Success, Leadership, Career, inspiration and motivation. Her research on the Leadership Challenge was published in the Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge (JAABC). She now uses the results of her research to connect others to Success. Visit and Get a copy of her Books online at Amazon or in-store Barnes & Noble. When not writing Shelly enjoys wave-watching, movies, reading, and spending time with family.

8 thoughts on “Does Being Rich Make You Successful?”

  1. many dream of being rich, money wise, without realizing the pitfalls. i want to become better at writing (short stories in particular) and find success in putting together an outstanding sentence, paragraph, or story then sending in out into the world. i get rich in enthusiasm with responses from fellow readers whether it be just one or a few, those likes carry me to dig deep into the grab bag and put together the next story and so on.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Fully agree. Too often we look to the future and material things for success – the job, the degree, the car, the house. When in fact success is achieved in our every day lives, our every day tasks. And if we focus on being successfull one step at a time, we will find that success is not so elusive after all.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have written a few articles on success. Sure money is necessary to live . But i think success is contentment, happiness, humilty, sharing with others in harmony. Kindness compassion and being a beautiful person. That is success in being a good human.

    Liked by 1 person

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