Writers Share The Joy and Challenges of Writing…


Oh the joy of publishing! But before, there are the challenges.  If you’re a writer, no doubt you can Relate. Here I share a few succint Compass tales that writers tell about their perspective of the joys and challenges associated with writing.

The Challenges of Writing

  1. Finding the Time and space to write with Peace and Quiet in tuned
  2. The laments of writers Block
  3. Deciding what to write
  4. The importance of Quality writing output
  5. The pain of rejection

The Joy of Writing

  1. Most enjoyable feeling when published. Words such as elated, satisfied, accomplished were voiced
  2. If a physical book published, a feeling of Bliss when the first printed copy is received and held
  3. The Achievement of set goals
  4. The ability to make a difference in the lives of others

Advice to New Writers

More to come but in the interim, read more on the 9 Steps to writing. Also write, just write . 

Let the New Year find you with a new resolve to write, just write.


Author: Dr. Shelly C

Dr. Shelly Cameron is Founder of the Global Coaching Corner. She is an Author, Speaker, and Certified Master Coach. She has researched the topic of Success and written 9 books on Success, Leadership, Career, inspiration and motivation. Her research on the Leadership Challenge was published in the Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge (JAABC). She now uses the results of her research to connect others to Success. Visit www.shellycameron.com and Get a copy of her Books online at Amazon or in-store Barnes & Noble. When not writing Shelly enjoys wave-watching, movies, reading, and spending time with family.

4 thoughts on “Writers Share The Joy and Challenges of Writing…”

  1. Writing is harder than it seems. For starters, writing is much more than words on a page. It is the way the words form a story and how they tell a story. You need a really good idea and yes writer’s block can happen. You have to learn to find joy in the characters you are developing. On way to deal with writer’s block is just write without thinking about it and then edit: a tip I learned in high school. As a college student, I have to write papers, which you easily can get stuck with writer’s block so it helps not to think about it and than later edit it.

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