Goals. The Power Of The List…

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Henry Ford

Goals, write them down. Then work them. In a recent post Yendi shared her 10 Goals.
Years ago when I was expecting, I went to Lamaze class where my only child at the time would play with the instructor’s teen, Yendi.

Big Goals

Recently Yendi reflected how she wrote down her 10-year goals. Many reveal that they cannot even think that far. In Yendi’s case her dream was to enter and win the Miss Jamaica World contest. She worked it and yep, she did it! From the entry to the steps to win it … and that she did.

So make sure that your goals are BIG so you can’t miss them when they come through!

How old are you now? What dreams are you carrying. Take the time to write them down. Then once you do, work them and there’s no doubt that you will achieve them. Don’t know where to start? Let’s connect or dive into the book Ditch it Switch It and it will show you how.

An expert? Still write the goals for your next chapter since we’re always growing.


Author: Dr. Shelly C

Dr. Shelly Cameron is Founder of the Global Coaching Corner. She is an Author, Speaker, and Certified Master Coach. She has researched the topic of Success and written 9 books on Success, Leadership, Career, inspiration and motivation. Her research on the Leadership Challenge was published in the Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge (JAABC). She now uses the results of her research to connect others to Success. Visit www.shellycameron.com and Get a copy of her Books online at Amazon or in-store Barnes & Noble. When not writing Shelly enjoys wave-watching, movies, reading, and spending time with family.

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