Goals. Every Move Must Be Strategic…

The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.

Michael Porter

When I started Playing the Word game I usually just think of a word and simply moved. For me it was just to play my turn whether it was a solo game or playing with a family member. My purpose was to simply keep connected. However I found that my sister (though I know she loves me), played defensively. Every move she made was strategic. So I began doing the same. Losing cannot always be the end result. I began to play with the end in mind. I asked myself… what do I want to achieve? It turned out to be 1) learning or being exposed to new words which extended my vocabulary; 2) keep connected to my family virtually; and finally 3) to win. With those goals in mind, every move I now make was for a purpose. Not only did I want to remain connected, but I also wanted to win.

Every Move Is For A Purpose

As I reflected, I began applying this to life. How can we apply that same strategy to achieve our lifelong dreams and goals to make sense? How can we ensure that every decision we make impacts our desire to achieve? Is it career selection, job change, entrepreneurship endeavor, business investment, relationships or starting a family? How can we ensure every decision is strategic?

There have been many household names who made major business decisions to form a partnership such as the McDonald’s Fast Food chain, or as Steve Jobs did with Apple. It may even be as simple as keeping connected with our kids or elderly parents. Whatever we do, it should be for a purpose.

Think About It

My personal charge is for you to think about it. Think about every decision you make. Think about the little things. Think about the big things. How can each move you make in life lead to your desired goal?

Need help? Lets connect.


Author: Dr. Shelly C

Dr. Shelly Cameron is Founder of the Global Coaching Corner. She is an Author, Speaker, and Certified Master Coach. She has researched the topic of Success and written 9 books on Success, Leadership, Career, inspiration and motivation. Her research on the Leadership Challenge was published in the Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge (JAABC). She now uses the results of her research to connect others to Success. Visit www.shellycameron.com and Get a copy of her Books online at Amazon or in-store Barnes & Noble. When not writing Shelly enjoys wave-watching, movies, reading, and spending time with family.

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