HBR’s 3 Ways To Work With Difficult People

Practice the Pause

We’ve all been there. Work we must, yet doing so with difficult people makes it harder. Here’s an Harvard Business Review (HBR) perspective that can help to make it easier in 3 ways:

Leading When The Going Gets Tough

•Reflect on the cause of tension and how you are responding to it

•Work harder to understand the other person’s perspective

•Become a problem solver rather than a critic or competitor.

Read details here;


Are these tops insightful? Are there any you have used, or wish to add? Do share. We would love to hear.


10 Thoughtful And Practical Gift Ideas For Women Leaders This Mother’s Day

The Perfect Gift for Her

Some gifts are big. Others are small. But the ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all.

Tinku Razoria

Celebrations, Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Selfcare Days…. no matter the occasion, it is always hard to find the ideal gift for the perfect mom, sister, co-worker, best friend to encourage or simply to say Thanks to one who did a kind deed. Here are 10 thoughtful and practical gift ideas for women leaders.

Gifts for Her

  1. Professional Development Books: Gift a selection of books on leadership, personal development, or career advancement. Choose titles that align with the recipient’s interests and goals, such as “Ditch It, Switch It“, “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg or “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown.
  2. Journal or Planner: A stylish journal or planner can help women leaders stay organized, set goals, and track their progress. Look for a high-quality notebook with inspirational quotes or customizable sections for reflection and planning.
  3. Online Course or Workshop: Invest in an online course or workshop that aligns with the recipient’s professional development goals. Whether it’s leadership skills, negotiation tactics, or public speaking, there are plenty of options available to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  4. Executive Coaching Sessions: Provide the gift of personalized coaching sessions with a professional executive coach. This one-on-one support can help women leaders overcome challenges, set strategic goals, and accelerate their career growth.
  5. Membership to Professional Networks: Consider gifting a membership to a professional organization or networking group tailored to women leaders in their industry. This provides opportunities for networking, mentorship, and access to valuable resources and events.
  6. Tech Gadgets or Accessories: Surprise her with a stylish and functional tech gadget or accessory that enhances productivity and efficiency, such as a smartwatch, wireless headphones, or a sleek laptop bag.
  7. Self-Care Package: Put together a self-care package filled with pampering essentials like scented candles, bath salts, herbal teas, and skincare products. Encourage women leaders to prioritize their well-being and recharge their batteries.
  8. Mindfulness or Meditation Tools: Help women leaders manage stress and promote mindfulness with gifts like a meditation app subscription, aromatherapy diffuser, or a set of meditation cushions.
  9. Personalized Leadership Assessment: Invest in a personalized leadership assessment tool or 360-degree feedback survey to help women leaders gain valuable insights into their strengths, areas for improvement, and leadership style.
  10. Inspiring Artwork or Decor: Choose a piece of artwork or decor that inspires and motivates women leaders in their workspace. Whether it’s a motivational quote print, a vibrant painting, or a decorative desk accessory, find something that resonates with their aspirations and values.

These gift ideas for women leaders combine practicality, inspiration, and personalization to support their professional growth and well-being.

Which gift pulls you in? Is there another or a few that you would like to add? Do share. We would love to hear.

Connect now to gift that personalized gift of Executive Coaching or personalized leadership assessment today. It is the gift that keeps on giving.


Photo by Ioana Motoc on Pexels.com

Develop Your Brand: A Blueprint For New Authors

Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability.

Tim Ferriss

Many are the desires of the first-time author. Writing is the biggest. Often new authors find it overwhelming to write and see the manuscript to the end. When they do, the next step is often forgotten. Suddenly an author becomes and an entrepreneur – one in which they didn’t anticipate. Developing the book’s brand… yikes!

It’s important to the book’s success and target audience awareness. Essentially, building an author brand is very important because a strong brand helps you stand out, attract readers, and build a loyal fanbase. Here are six (6) steps to get you started:

Build Your New Author Brand

  1. Understand your Brand
    • How do you distinguish yourself in the literary world?
  2. Discover your Brand’s Identity
    • Reflect: Who are you as an author?
    • Who is your ideal Reader?
    • USP: What sets you apart?
  3. Create your author persona
    • Define your writing style, tone tc
    • Design consistent visual identity
    • Create author Bio to showcase achievements, background, writing journey
  4. Build your online Presence
    • Create author website to showcase books and engage with Readers
    • Choose social media platform where target audience hangout
  5. Engage your Audience
    • Develop content calendar
    • Engage with Readers
    • Connect with fellow authors
  6. Launch Book and Grow Brand
    • Create buzz and Lunch or Re-Launch your book
    • Collaborate to expand
    • Keep learning. Keep writing.
    • Be flexible and adaptable

There you have it. What has been your experience with the writing process? Do share. We would love to hear.

If you feel overwhelmed, let’s connect.

Forget Extroverts! Ambiverts Make Great Entrepreneurs

A person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.

In a world of entrepreneurs, networking is key to land those great opportunities. The introvert just wants to stand in a corner and watch others while waiting for the event to end. Extroverts go wild, walking around, meeting and greeting others and frown when the event ends. Then there are the Ambiverts who possess a unique blend of strengths that allow them to navigate a variety of social and professional situations with ease. Wow to the ideal.

Here are the top strengths of the Ambivert:

Adapt between Different Environments

One of their key strengths lies in their ability to adapt to different environments. Ambiverts are comfortable in both introverted and extroverted settings, enabling them to connect with a diverse range of individuals and build strong relationships.

Balanced Communication

Ambiverts exudes a balanced approach to communication. They are adept at both listening attentively and expressing themselves effectively, making them valuable collaborators and team members. This versatility allows ambiverts to excel in roles that require effective communication and interpersonal skills.

High Emotional Intelligence

Ambiverts possess a high degree of emotional intelligence. They are attuned to the needs and feelings of others, which enables them to navigate social dynamics with empathy and understanding. This makes them effective leaders, as they can inspire and motivate others while also fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

Weaknesses of an Ambivert

Ambiverts may also face certain challenges. Here are a few potential weaknesses:

  1. Difficulty with Decision-Making: Ambiverts may struggle with decision-making due to their tendency to weigh both introverted and extroverted perspectives. This can lead to indecisiveness or hesitation in taking action.
  2. Balancing Social Needs: Ambiverts may find it challenging to balance their need for social interaction with their need for solitude. They may feel torn between wanting to engage with others and seeking time alone to recharge, which can lead to feelings of inconsistency or restlessness.
  3. Overwhelmed by Social Demands: Ambiverts may become overwhelmed by social demands if they are unable to establish clear boundaries. They may feel pressure to continuously switch between socializing and solitary activities, leading to exhaustion or burnout.
  4. Difficulty Establishing Identity: Ambiverts may struggle with establishing a clear sense of identity, as they may not fully align with either introverted or extroverted traits. This ambiguity can sometimes lead to feelings of self-doubt or confusion about their place in social or professional settings.
  5. Potential for Misunderstanding: Ambiverts’ ability to adapt to different social situations may sometimes be misinterpreted as inconsistency or unpredictability by others. This can lead to misunderstandings or difficulty forming deeper connections with others.
  6. Tendency to Overextend: Due to their ability to engage in both introverted and extroverted activities, ambiverts may sometimes overextend themselves by taking on too many commitments. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm or difficulty maintaining work-life balance.

There you have it. Which trait do you identify with – introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? Do share, we would love to hear.


Tips To Plan A Day trip

Sometimes you just need to getaway! To rejuvenate, chill, relax and spend some me time.

Here’s Samantha’s tips to plan that perfect Day Trip. Don’t delay. Do it soon. Life’s too short to live stressed out.

Excellence In Public Service Award …

This award for Excellence in Public Service took me by complete surprise! It’s such an honor to be recognized for the work done in our communities at home and abroad.

Hmmm… 🤔 as I wondered why, it caused deep reflect…

As an author of several books, the topic of leadership, success and its impact on America and the contribution of successful Caribbean American immigrants (eg Colin Powell) in media, politics, education, aviation, entertainment, intrigued me. As such I invested years interviewing top leaders in organizations. That research has been a valuable Coaching resource that helped inspire, motivate and empower aspiring leaders.

I reflect on my work within pharmaceuticals, healthcare and the hospitality industry with HR Leaders where I spent a decade contributing to bold initiatives that made a positive impact on organizational leaders through identifying speakers making vast change to society.

I also pondered my work with the Institute of CAribbean Studies in Washington, DC through the platform of White House champion of change Dr Claire and Dr Nsombi, I invested time to lead a team to find talented individuals under 30 years old, making outstanding achievements in academics, leadership, advocacy, entrepreneurship… essentially rising stars who at a young age have impacted our wider society in their communities. Over the years since the 30 Under 30 program’s inception, many have gone on to do great things.

Let me not forget my involvement in ministry, where I have also written books on encouragement, worked on health fairs, Coached career development, traveled globally to speak on personal development and its impact on leaders afar. 

Yes, as I look back, I am pleased and humbly accept this distinguished award from the Writers of Color, South Florida. A Group led by Dr. Ralph Hogges, Dr. Benjamin Cowins and Dr. Delores Smiley. 

Cheers to fellow colleagues Dr Susan Davis and Dr Thea White for your partnership. 

Service is in my DNA. I will continue.

One love 

Achieve In Months What Might Take Years On Your Own …

Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.

Dr. Roopleen

Whether you feel stuck in your career, overwhelmed as a supervisor or simply want to maximize your performance, coaching could be the key to achieving in months what might take years alone. The top signs you will benefit from working with a coach are discussed in the video.

  • You feel stuck and unable to move forward.
  • You are struggling to Balance work, life and personal commitments.
  • You are in a Leadership role but feel out of your depth.
  • You are going through significant life or career transition.

Invest less than 10 minutes to watch this video and discover the power of coaching for yourself! The returns could change the trajectory of your personal and professional life.

9 Investment Strategies For New Entrepreneurs On A Tight Budget

Don’t get distracted. Never tell yourself that you need to be the biggest brand in the whole world. Start by working on what you need at the present moment and then what you need to do tomorrow. So, set yourself manageable targets.

Jas Bagniewski

20% of new startups fail within the first year of business. This can be scary for first time entrepreneurs. So, the more prepared small businesses are, the more they can survive especially as it concerns making bold marketing steps which require some upfront investment. That said, here are some ideas to counteract those costs for a new business owner on a tight budget:

  1. Leverage free platforms – For example, start a free blog, post on LinkedIn, use free webinar services, publish a podcast using free hosting.

2. Barter services – Exchange things like hosting an event or providing content in return for exposure from partnerships.

3.Get sponsorships – Seek sponsorships from vendors/partners to help fund events, ads, giveaways. Offer sponsor visibility.

4. Use DIY options – Design your own simple website, create your own flyers, give free talks at local libraries versus paid venues.

5. Offer packages – Offer bundles and multi-session discounts to incentive larger purchases to increase revenue.

6.Be guest instead of host – Guest blog, speak at other events instead of funding your own. Reduces costs.

7. Tap into your network – Ask connections to share content, provide referrals, submit testimonials, write guest posts.

8. Focus locally first – Start by promoting heavily just within your local community to establish proof of concept.

9. Only invest where needed – Don’t overspend on unnecessary items. Prioritize money only where it will derive direct value.

Essentially, the goal is to maximize existing free resources and opportunities where you can exchange services. The aim is to become creative in order to access cost-effective resources until you gain proof of return on investment, then you can increase spending.

Which of the methods have you used? Can you add another method that has proven helpful? Do share. We would love to hear.


15 Steps To The Ideal Career For The New Ambitious Professional …

Natalie, a frustrated high school graduate, had been in and out of jobs for four years after graduating high school. She was referred for coaching because she was annoyed at the way employers treated her and she refused to accept it. The lack of income did not help as she needed to meet her needs.

This situation is common among young adults who are in the early stages of their career and ‘waiting’ for their ideal job (and yessss among others with years of experience too). The 15 Strategies listed can be adapted to secure employment, gain valuable experience and bring you closer to your ideal career.

Career Goals: 15 Steps To Success

1. Apply For Entry-Level Positions
  • Target entry-level positions in your field of interest.
  • Look for internships, apprenticeships, or part-time positions to gain hands-on experience.
2. Enhance Your Resume
  • Highlight relevant skills, coursework, and any extracurricular activities.
  • Tailor your resume for each application to match the specific job requirements.
3. Networking
  • Attend industry events, workshops, and networking mixers.
  • Connect with professionals on LinkedIn and engage in conversations.
4. Online Job Platforms
  • Explore job search platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and company websites.
  • Set up job alerts to receive notifications for relevant positions.
5. Temporary Work or Freelancing
  • Consider taking temporary positions or freelancing opportunities to build your skills and network.
  • Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can be good for freelancing gigs.
6. Professional Development
  • Take online courses or certifications to enhance your skills.
  • Mention ongoing learning initiatives on your resume to showcase your commitment to personal and professional development.
7. Volunteer Work
  • Offer your time to non-profit organizations or community projects.
  • Volunteering can provide valuable experience and demonstrate your dedication.
8. Informational Interviews
  • Reach out to professionals in your field for informational interviews.
  • Gather insights, seek advice, and express your eagerness to learn from their experiences.
9. Create Online Portfolio
  • Build an online portfolio showcasing your projects, coursework, or any freelance work.
  • Include a link to your portfolio on your resume and LinkedIn profile
10. Skill Development
  • Identify skills in demand within your industry and work on acquiring them.
  • Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Skillshare offer a variety of courses.
11. Professional Social Media Presence
  • Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and professional.
  • Share relevant content and engage with professionals in your field.
12. Industry Research
  • Stay informed about trends and changes in your desired industry.
  • Use this knowledge to tailor your applications and interviews.
13. Career Counseling Services
  • Seek guidance from career counseling services offered by educational institutions or career centers.
  • They can provide insights into job opportunities and help you refine your career goals.
14. Participate in Job Fairs

Attend job fairs, both virtual and in-person, to connect with employers and explore potential opportunities.

15. Soft Skills Development
  • Work on developing essential soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability.
  • These skills are often highly valued by employers.

Remember, the job search process can take time, and being open to various opportunities can lead to unexpected but valuable experiences. Stay persistent, connect with a coach, maintain a positive attitude, and continuously refine your approach based on feedback and experiences.

Cheers to a revealing journey of learning!

Waiting For The Next

Some sit in silence

Waiting for death 

Then a day passes. 

Then a week, month, a year

And before we know it, 

A decade has passed by

In a flash

Young, old, sick, depressed

Sit silently, waiting

Time passes while we wait on life for the perfect life

Don’t wait I say. 

Get out there

 Do something 

No matter your age, status or health

Just do something 

Don’t wait

The perfect life doesn’t exist

5-Day Road Trip Plan To Captiva Island

Wander. Get lost on an intriguing Road Trip. Discover the new.

~Dr Shelly

Stone building designer Chrissy dreamt of getting away. She was exhausted. We connected. She was open to whatever plan I could come up with. It was awhile since she took a work break. Quickly I planned a getaway to Captiva Island, Florida. Here I share.

5-Day Getaway Plan

Day 1:
Road trip to Captiva
Lunch at Wicked Wings, a low-keyed hole in the wall pub that satisfies starving travelers before hitting the road to their final destination

Day 2:
Relax in the Sun, Sand, Sea engulfed in a delightful adventure riding the waves

Day 3:
Spa Day – Body massage, Facial, Mani and Pedi, a sure rejuvenation for the exhausted

Day 4
Shopping and Late dinner at the Harbor Side Bar and Grill

Day 5
Early morning beach wet. Late breakfast followed by reluctant afternoon drive back to the fast life.

Where’s your favorite getaway space? Do share. We would love to hear!


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