Develop Your Brand: A Blueprint For New Authors

Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability.

Tim Ferriss

Many are the desires of the first-time author. Writing is the biggest. Often new authors find it overwhelming to write and see the manuscript to the end. When they do, the next step is often forgotten. Suddenly an author becomes and an entrepreneur – one in which they didn’t anticipate. Developing the book’s brand… yikes!

It’s important to the book’s success and target audience awareness. Essentially, building an author brand is very important because a strong brand helps you stand out, attract readers, and build a loyal fanbase. Here are six (6) steps to get you started:

Build Your New Author Brand

  1. Understand your Brand
    • How do you distinguish yourself in the literary world?
  2. Discover your Brand’s Identity
    • Reflect: Who are you as an author?
    • Who is your ideal Reader?
    • USP: What sets you apart?
  3. Create your author persona
    • Define your writing style, tone tc
    • Design consistent visual identity
    • Create author Bio to showcase achievements, background, writing journey
  4. Build your online Presence
    • Create author website to showcase books and engage with Readers
    • Choose social media platform where target audience hangout
  5. Engage your Audience
    • Develop content calendar
    • Engage with Readers
    • Connect with fellow authors
  6. Launch Book and Grow Brand
    • Create buzz and Lunch or Re-Launch your book
    • Collaborate to expand
    • Keep learning. Keep writing.
    • Be flexible and adaptable

There you have it. What has been your experience with the writing process? Do share. We would love to hear.

If you feel overwhelmed, let’s connect.

Achieve In Months What Might Take Years On Your Own …

Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.

Dr. Roopleen

Whether you feel stuck in your career, overwhelmed as a supervisor or simply want to maximize your performance, coaching could be the key to achieving in months what might take years alone. The top signs you will benefit from working with a coach are discussed in the video.

  • You feel stuck and unable to move forward.
  • You are struggling to Balance work, life and personal commitments.
  • You are in a Leadership role but feel out of your depth.
  • You are going through significant life or career transition.

Invest less than 10 minutes to watch this video and discover the power of coaching for yourself! The returns could change the trajectory of your personal and professional life.

Mastering The Art Of Goal Setting In 10 Steps …

Want to succeed in the new year? Set goals! It’s a big deal because setting goals can help you get where you want to be. The 10 steps that follow make it super simple for you. Whether you’re a leader, professional or just someone who wants to grow, these steps will guide you through the strategies to set goals that really work. The aim is to help you stay motivated and focused on your path to success.

So, watch Aim High and Master the Art of Goal Setting and let’s get started on this journey to make your dreams come true!

Step 1: Clarify the Purpose

Define the Objective: What is the specific area or aspect of life where you want to set a goal? What is the purpose of this goal?

Step 2: SMART Goals

  • Specific: Make the goal specific, avoiding vague language. What exactly do you want to accomplish?
  • Measurable: Ensure the goal can be quantified in some way. How will you measure your progress and know when you’ve achieved it?
  • Achievable: Assess whether the goal is realistic and attainable. Is it within your reach, given your current resources and constraints?
  • Relevant: Does the goal align with your values, long-term objectives, and the bigger picture of your life. Is it meaningful?
  • Time-Bound: Set a clear timeframe or deadline for achieving the goal. When will you complete it?

Step 3: Break It Down

Break It Into Smaller Steps: Divide the larger goal into smaller, manageable tasks or milestones. What steps need to be taken to reach the goal?

Step 4: Prioritize

Prioritize Tasks: Determine the order of importance for each task. Which steps should be tackled first, and which can follow?

Step 5: Visualize Success

Create a Mental Image: Ask the individual to visualize themselves successfully achieving the goal. How will it feel? What will it look like?

Step 6: Identify Obstacles

Recognize Challenges: Reflect on potential obstacles, difficulties, or setbacks you may encounter on your journey to the goal. How can you prepare to overcome these challenges?

Step 7: Develop a Plan

Create an Action Plan: Outline the tasks, deadlines, and resources required to achieve the goal. What specific actions will you take?

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust

Regular Review: Emphasize the importance of monitoring progress regularly. How are you doing in relation to the goal? Are you on track?

Adjust and Adapt: Be flexible in adapting the plan as needed. If you encounter unexpected obstacles or need to change your approach, how will you do so?

Step 9: Accountability

Accountability Partners: Have an accountability partner, such as a coach, mentor, or friend, who can provide support and hold you responsible for your commitments.

Step 10: Celebrate Success

Acknowledge Achievements: When you reach your goal, celebrate the achievement. Do some self-reflection and recognition of your progress.

By following this step-by-step process, you can set and achieve goals that align with your values and aspirations.

Need an accountability partner to help you set your goals and stay on track? Let’s connect


7 Ways To Make Change Stick…

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.

Oprah Winfrey

Change is hard. Changing a habit especially one that has been a habit for a lifetime is no small feat. Recently, the question was asked “how does one make change stick?” Great question especially with the holidays on the horizon when many are swamped with resolutions. Here are 7 easy to do strategies to help you progress.

  1. Focus on your Why
  2. Set Deadlines and Stick to it
  3. Make Changes manageable
  4. Celebrate Small Wins
  5. Take small steps. Increase as you Progress
  6. Get an Accountability Partner
  7. Track your Progress

What has worked for you? Do share, we would love to hear.


Photo by Rachel Claire on

What Does Success Mean To You?

Success Strategies

Get an education. Become a lawyer, doctor, get a cool career! Marry Prince/Princess Charming. Buy that nice big house. Have the perfect kids. These are some of the wishes that moms and dads often want for their children to Jolt them to success or to Restart. But I have always stressed that you should not let anyone define what success means to you. It’s entirely your decision.

Brian Tracy asked the question “What Does Success Mean to You?” Responses came in Opaque forms including:

  • Doing what I want when I want and helping others so that they can to help themselves
  • The highest level of success is happiness
  • Do the right thing and be a great person or human being
  • Not caring if it is Monday or Friday. Loving every day of the week the same. Having a good relationship with people. Making a difference. Continuously learning and…

View original post 310 more words

Out There Without Fear: Culture And Dance Anthropology …

Out there without fear

Joelle Powe

Culture. Dance. Dancehall Music

Culture. Dance. Dancehall music. The Study? How does that connect? Curious, I reached out to young 23-year-old filmmaker, Joelle Powe. She shared the intriguing story of her own curiosity that led to her Anthropological Journey through Culture and Dance. A journey of success which exposed her globally to becoming a documentarian. Even before then, she was recognized in Washington DC for her work done in the Caribbean and globally.

Listen to the interesting and delightful conversation. No doubt it will motivate and inspire you.

Thoughts? Do share. We would love to hear.


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