HBR’s 3 Ways To Work With Difficult People

Practice the Pause

We’ve all been there. Work we must, yet doing so with difficult people makes it harder. Here’s an Harvard Business Review (HBR) perspective that can help to make it easier in 3 ways:

Leading When The Going Gets Tough

•Reflect on the cause of tension and how you are responding to it

•Work harder to understand the other person’s perspective

•Become a problem solver rather than a critic or competitor.

Read details here;


Are these tops insightful? Are there any you have used, or wish to add? Do share. We would love to hear.


Not Perfect But…

Don’t be afraid to try

Not perfect but still doing it. Dr. Charles Stanley said it.

Pastor Steven furtick said it about being in his youth and starting a new church with his wife.

Reggae Music Miss Pat Chin said it too. She said when she started entrepreneurship she didn’t know what she was doing. Young. Niaive but she tried big things not realizing they were too big for a new entrepreneur.

Guess what? It worked! Because she didn’t know. She tried, did it and yep success!

Dr Suess’s idea was different. Novel. Untried by others so his manuscript was rejected by many publishers. Then he met a friend who had just received a promotion to of all things… a publisher! The right place. The right time. The dots connected. Today Dr Seuss is a household name worldwide.

So don’t be afraid to try new crazy things! Things untried by others …because … it just might work.


Navigating Your Career Transition Over The Holidays…

The holidays aren’t just for celebrations; they’re a golden opportunity to unwrap your career’s potential! -✨

Join us for the ‘Navigating Your Career Transition During the Holidays’ seminar, where you’ll discover how to embark on your career journey with renewed energy and clarity. Don’t wait for the new year—start building your dream career now.

📍 Where: Watch online

What You’ll Gain: –

  • Key strategies to seamlessly transition into your dream career.
  • Goal-setting techniques to kickstart the new year with purpose.
  • Insights from experienced career transition experts.
  • Tips to make the most of the holiday season while propelling your career forward.
  • Building Your Personal Brand for Success

Let the holiday season be the launchpad for your career transformation. Don’t miss this chance to make a significant leap in your professional life.

Secure your spot now and embrace a brighter, more promising career future!

Professional Exit Career Plan

The decision to leave an executive or professional role is a significant one, and careful planning is essential to ensure a smooth transition. In my book Ditch It Switch It, I shared stories of individuals who simply got up and resigned without thinking much about their next steps. Indeed, life on the job can be frustrating. At times you just want to walk away and give up. But before you do, stop and think it through.

As a leadership transition coach, here’s a comprehensive exit plan to guide you through this important process.

1. Self-Assessment and Reflection: Take the time to reflect on your career goals, values, and aspirations. Clarify your reasons for leaving and envision the path you want to take moving forward.

2. Goal Setting: Define clear short-term and long-term goals for your post-executive journey. Whether it’s starting your own venture, consulting, or taking on a different role, having specific goals will provide direction.

3. Skill and Knowledge Gap Analysis: Identify any skills or knowledge areas that need enhancement to align with your new goals. Consider professional development opportunities, courses, or certifications that will strengthen your skillset.

4. Networking and Relationship Building: Leverage your professional network to explore potential opportunities. Reach out to mentors, colleagues, and industry contacts to discuss your plans and seek advice.

5. Building a Personal Brand: Craft a compelling personal brand that highlights your expertise and aligns with your new goals. Update your LinkedIn profile, resume, and online presence to reflect your transition.

6. Financial Planning: Assess your financial situation and create a budget that supports your transition period. Consider factors like severance packages, savings, and potential income sources.

7. Knowledge Transfer: Collaborate with your team and colleagues to ensure a smooth knowledge transfer. Document important processes, projects, and responsibilities to facilitate the transition for your successor.

8. Successor Support: Provide support and mentorship to your successor, if applicable. Offer guidance during the transition period to set them up for success in their new role.

9. Emotional Preparation: Acknowledge the emotional aspect of leaving a role you’ve invested in. Prepare yourself mentally for the change and focus on the positive opportunities that lie ahead.

10. Communication Strategy: Craft a thoughtful communication plan for announcing your departure to your team, colleagues, and stakeholders. Emphasize the positive reasons for your transition and express gratitude for the experience.

11. Negotiating Exit Terms: Work closely with HR and legal departments to negotiate your exit terms, including timelines, compensation, benefits, and non-compete agreements.

12. Finalizing Responsibilities: Ensure that you wrap up any pending projects, delegate tasks effectively, and communicate the status of ongoing initiatives to stakeholders.

13. Leveraging Resources: Utilize Leadership career coaching, industry associations, and networking events to gather insights and support during your transition.

14. Launching the Next Chapter: Execute your plan with confidence. Utilize your goals, skills, and network to propel your career in the direction you’ve envisioned.

Remember, an executive or professional exit is an opportunity for growth and reinvention. With strategic planning, emotional readiness, and a strong support network, you can make a seamless transition to the next phase of your career journey. If you need further guidance or support throughout this process, don’t hesitate to connect. As a Certified Master Coach specializing in Leadership Transition, I am happy to help.

You may also sign up to attend Goal-Setting Retreat to prepare your 2024 strategies.

Coaching: Come Messy. Leave Happy….

Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity reveals itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN.

Brendon Burchard

My niece is a celebrity makeup artist. She has done many. When they come to see her, they come just as they are–plain, messy, but ready to rock. Together they work on their goals. What’s the problem? What’s the occasion (wedding, birthday celebration, rebranding)? What’s the purpose (new business, product, new album, video)? They then work together to make their goals beautiful.

Same with the healing power. The sick goes to the doctor to be healed. They’re not well. They try home remedies and nothing works. But pretty soon they come to the realization that they need help.

Coaching is just like that. Come messy. Come stuck. come with your frustrations, your limitations, procrastinations. We work together to identify goals, explore possibilities, get clarity, strategize follow through and make dreams come through.


Coaching is one of the most powerful tools because it acts as a catalyst. Coaching gives our clients the right motivation to take actions that make them successful. As coaches we provide inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to help our clients attain their goals. We seek to discover and understand context and help clients define key areas of leadership development that will lead to transformational outcomes.

That’s what we do. Let’s connect. Come messy, leave happy.

Have you ever experienced coaching? What was the outcome? Do share, we would love to hear.


What is Your Biggest Fear?

Success Strategies

I love nature and always choose to live near a lake, pond or stream. What comes with that is nature’s creatures like squirrels, ducks, and my worst fear –lizards! My fear of them makes me search to find them before they sneak upon me. My imagination runs wild as I think of their creepy, crawley features that makes me real scared. Mind you, it has not happened but my fear, like Cusps, makes it real to me…yikes!

Aren’t we all afraid of something? We sure are. But what is fear? Why are we afraid?

FEAR is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

What is Your Biggest Fear as an Entrepreneur?

Daymond John asked the question of entrepreneurs “What is your biggest fear?” The answers varied but most common were:

  • Getting taken advantage of by…

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Do It. It’s That Simple…

Success Strategies

If you canimagine it,you can dream it.Dream itand you canbecome it.” - Walt Disney

For years Walt Disney’s quote…”If you can imagine it you can do it”, hung on my wall at home. I was able to see it every day. It stayed with me during all my dreams which became goals which later became reality. My studies, writings, books, and more, all became real because of my dreams.

Dreams Don’t Come Through by Themselves

But dreams don’t just come through by themselves. We have to plan, then work it. With hard work, dedication, persistence, and the will to achieve, they become real.

From a young age, my niece always wanted to do her best at making others beautiful. After graduating, she began working with a renowned makeup organization. She learnt from the best and with her innate desire for excellence, she…

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Reinvent Yourself: 10 Key Points for Success

Success Strategies

There is no such thing as a lifetime career any more. The world of work is now much more fluid than it was before. The lines have certainly been blurred. Gone are the days of jobs for life where you did your time and left with a secure Glaring pension to enjoy retirement with no Argument. You now need to take responsibility for your job security and the management of your career. Make sure you discover and use your internal resources and take a self-directing approach.

Reinventing yourself is something that you must keep doing. Dr. Robert Davies offered good advice on 10 key points to success.

  1. Focus on your personal development. Spend some time thinking about the competencies. What are the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to survive in this era.
  2. Always have a driving vision. Consider these  3 components:

    • Have clear mental picture of the person that you…

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Solo Retreat Rome Itinerary…

Solo Retreat is designed for withdrawal. To take a step back. To plan to revive, refresh, renew, restore. Many take it when they are at a crossroads, or after they have experienced a significant life change. It can last a day, a weekend, week, month or a year as in a sabbatical

Here I share the itinerary for my Solo Retreat that developed along the way. My plan was simple. To get away to a place I didn’t know. To get lost in a strange place and find my way through divine obedience. As I progressed, here’s how it shaped out.

Just Rome

  • Florida
  • Philadelphia
  • Rome
  • Florence
  • Sienna
  • San Gimignano
  • Pisa
  • Venice
  • Rome
  • London
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Florida

Not For the Faint Hearted

Solo travel and it’s purpose is not for the faint of heart. You have to be bold, brave and willing to make mistakes. It was different for me because I’m a planner but being led spiritually, I simply obeyed and experienced something new something different.

What about you? Ever thought about or did a solo retreat thousands of miles away? Do share, we would love to hear.


I Ain’t Gonna Lie. Leadership Ain’t Easy. 11 Hard Things You Have To Do To Be A Great Leader…

Success Strategies

You have to try and fail and try again

I Ain’t Gonna lie. Leadership Ain’t easy.

The Hard Things – INC Lolly Daskal. Here I share Eleven.

  1. You have to make the call you’re afraid to make
  2. You have to give more than you get in return right away
  3. You have to care more about others than they care about you
  4. You have to feel unsure and insecure when playing it safe seems smarter
  5. You have to lead when no one is following you …yet
  6. You have to invest in yourself even when no one else is
  7. You have to deliver results when making excuses is an option
  8. You have to make mistakes and look like an idiot
  9. You have to try and fail and try again
  10. You have to run faster even when you’re out of breath
  11. You have to meet deadlines that are unreasonable and deliver results…

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Travel For Business or Pleasure?

Success Strategies

Traveling! It’s mind-blowing!It expands our thinking. It opens doors to things we never dreamed of. Often it comes with frustrating exasperations of missed flights, airport treks, trains, taxis, and more.

Why do you Travel?

Recently I’ve been traveling on business attending conferences, public forum and more that I’m involved in. But in spite of the busyness accompanied by lack of sleep, travel provides satisfaction. The food. The people. Culture. Hotels. Bed n breakfasts. But it all comes together to form an enriching experience that all would do well to Committo experience.
Travel is not an Illusion. Live it, do it, learn.
Hats off to times of travel… no matter the reason.


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2022 Holiday Book Gift Guide…

A Book is a Gift you can open again and again

A Book is a Gift you can open again and again

Garrison Keillor

Gifts For Your Personal Growth

Your Career: Ditch It. Switch It.

That Perfect Getaway Read

Gifts To Motivate, Encourage And Inspire

GreenLight: When God Says Go

Retirement: The Journey and The Destination is a guide to help readers in their twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties learn and appreciate the key considerations that should direct the process of planning for retirement so their preparation will not be fragmented, lopsided and insufficient.

Books For The New Entrepreneur

Books For The Food Lover

The Sways Of Poetry

Books For The Child Reader

Stori Stori

Answering daily prompts

In this blog I'm attempting to answer wordpress daily prompts


Property Maintenance

Moonwashed Musings

we see the same moon; you and I


When God Says Go


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