When You Don’t Know What To Say…

When you don’t know what to say, listen to your heart.

José Micard Teixeira

“When you get tired of something, don’t sweep it out of your life without first understanding why you attracted it, otherwise you can be sure that it will return, even if it is in another form or in another context. When you stop feeling in love with someone, allow them to leave without thinking that a part of you leaves with them. In fact, nothing leaves. What leaves is only what came, now with more knowledge about who it was while it stayed here. When you feel disrespected, take back the power you gave that person over your life. Do not allow disrespect to turn to indifference and find yourself deposed from the place that was rightfully or lovingly yours in the beginning. When you feel uncomfortable somewhere, leave. All the moments you remain there will only contribute to bringing you even more suffering. Leave and if you have nowhere else to go, leave anyway, because at that moment no place is worse than this one for you. When you can’t say what you want to say, write it down. What is written speaks louder and remains longer in time. When you don’t know what to say, listen to your heart. Everything you need to know has always been there waiting for you. And when you think you have nothing to do, look at yourself and see yourself once more. It may be that this time you will understand everything you have forgotten to.”

~ José Micard Teixeira Excerpt from book “Between Many Truths and Some Secrets”

A lot Can Happen In A Year. 20 Things To Inspire You…

“Maybe” can become “definitely.”

The time of change is in full swing. But in many cases it’s the same old same old. Workaholics work; ‘bored’ business meetings continue; couples fight; children go asunder. But there are those who fall in love; travel and see the world; find that rewarding career; realize that fit body; dreams come through in those delightful home; spirituality soar; first time writers publish and make it big!

Amidst all that and the steady post-holiday covid scare, political upheavals, it was a warm breath of fresh air that we welcomed actress viola Davis as she shared Case 20 inspiring things under the title “A lot Can Happen in a year”. Here I share.

  1. You can meet the reason why you never settled
  2. You can finally hear NO turned to YES
  3. You can fall madly in love with yourself
  4. You can change completely and reintroduce yourself to the world
  5. A random encounter can become something life-changing
  6. You can take a big risk and see it pay off
  7. A streak of ‘luck’ can change your life
  8. You can finally receive the same love and energy you give to others
  9. You can say I deserve better and finally mean it
  10. A song can change your life
  11. You can receive the news you have been waiting for
  12. A solo trip can change your life
  13. You can forgive them and move on
  14. You can forgive yourself and move on
  15. You can make new weird and vibrant friends
  16. “Maybe” can become “definitely”
  17. “I am busy with work” can become “I can make time for you”
  18. You can fall in love with your body, your smile and your quirks
  19. You can decide you’re not lost
  20. You can decide you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be

A divine few gives me hope. Do you see any that sparks your interest? Do share. We would love to hear.


CNBC’s 10 Most Regretted College Majors…

Student loan debt is top of mind to many college grads these days. The promise of high paying jobs that would not only cover the debt but also provide a lifetime of satisfaction has left many regretting their majors. CNBC shared the 10 most regretted majors and the 10 majors grads wished they had pursued instead. Dive in to see which of your majors made the list.

10 Least Valued College Majors

10 Most Valued College Majors

Where did your major fall? Least regretted or most valued? What are your thoughts? Do share. We would love to hear.


Dance Out There Without Fear. An Anthropologist Speaks…

The body says what words cannot

~Martha Graham

Joelle Powe was recognized as one of the Institute of CAribbean Studies, Washington DC, 30 Under 30 honoree in 2021. Take a look at her documentary on Jamaica’s Dance as she studies Anthropology at the University.

Seep in and prepare to be inspired.

Poet’s Defining Moment. The Story Of A Mother As Told By A Daughter…

The Story of a Mother as told by a Daughter.
A Literary Conversation with Author & Poet Susan Lycett Davis (Dr Sue)

A Miami Book Fair annual Author Feature

Living a HIP Life is a Great inspirational stocking stuffer available from Dr Sue and on Amazon

Listen in https://bit.ly/3C1cQ76

Show Up. That’s All He Did.…

It’s through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we’ve always mapped our path. ~Michael Dell

Steve Harvey

Opportunity comes when we are ready for it. Comedian and entertainer Steve Harvey share his story about his writing jokes for a colleague for sometime in exchange for $10. One day the guy didn’t show and he was encouraged to go check out the venue himself. Curiosity got the better of him and he did. He subsequently put his name in the bag for a future show but was called on when another contestant didn’t show. Suffice it to say he won and the rest is history.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs showed up to classes out of curiosity after he was fired from the company he started. His curiosity led to one of the greatest innovations of all times. The iPhone which global users compete daily with its competitor, the android.

Les Brown

I also think of Les Brown who was yearning for an opportunity in radio though he didn’t have training or experience. One day the host didn’t show because he was sick or something and he was invited to fill in with just music on the radio. Les Brown proceeded to be the talk show host. And the rest is history.

Opportunity. It’s Your Turn

What opportunity do you need to show up to? Are you ready for it? What desire(s) do you have? Make sure you are ready because you never know when the opportunity will arise. If you are not prepared then you may miss it.

Always Show up is my mantra. Do it today. Is there any personal story that you can share of an opportunity gleaned just by being there? On the other hand, is there an opportunity you missed because you did not show up? Do share. We would love to hear.


What’s Life All About?

Life is what you make it

What’s your life all about? That’s the question i asked 10 year old Xavier. Seriously and Without hesitation he replied Video games, basketball, God, watching TV. Gotta give him credit, he knew exactly what he was about.

At that young age, life can be easy. But what about you and me? As we grow older it’s important for us to ‘get a life’ as the common saying goes. Mine is about and encouraging personal growth of anyone in my sphere of influence.

Today I encourage you to Reflect, start planning and take action.

What’s your life all about? Do share. We would love to hear.


3 Intriguing Post Covid Etiquette …

I’m a hugger! I give hugs. A Hug has always been my mantra to business associates and colleagues. But with the Covid pandemic, not so anymore. A fist or elbow pump or shoe touch had to do. But it’s been hard for huggers and those touchy-feelers. So it’s with great news that the CDC cleared us! Yea. But now we must learn how to properly greet those we meet. Here are 3+ from what those in the news say.

Ask. Just Ask.

  1. Ask just ask. Ask do you mind shaking my hand?
  2. Do an air-handshake. What’s that? It means extending your hand and telling the other person you’re greeting them from a distance (smirk)
  3. Wear a mask. If you feel the need for extra protection, forget about the mass, do what makes you feel safe.
  4. In a place where everyone else is wearing a mask? Do it. The response… when in Rome, do as the Romans do

Yesssss we are still learning the new norm. Hope this etiquette tip that I gleaned, helps. Want to learn soft skills? Check Maxine for more. Any missing from the list above? Do share, we would love to hear.


15 Authors Tell How To Spot A Hater…

A person who has an intense dislike for another person or thing


A hater is someone who speaks trash…said a 5th grader. This term was not as rampant a decade ago. These days, the media shares stories which spread like wild fire at the click of a button. All you have to do is simply tune into any channel. Suffice it to say, writers on a social media forum was asked to Explain what a hater is or tell their experience. Here are 15 extracted.

  1. Someone who despises anything contrary to what they think is right.
  2. A jealous, envious, bitter person angry at another’s success
  3. A person projecting his/her shortcomings to the other person. Unwilling to accept his/her role in the incident in case it is directed at a person or racist/nationalist when directed towards a skin color or a country
  4. Those who can’t do it, teach or complain
  5. The process by which a miserable and/or failed person attempts to achieve equality with a happy and/or accomplished person not by improving themselves but by ruining whatever achieves beauty or virtue. In short an egalitarian of the latrine
  6. Literary folk who discover you write genre
  7. Those who latch out with with vitriol to mask their fear
  8. One who is experiencing the absence of love – the result of serious disconnection
  9. They are those who are so broken inside that they only find joy in causing pain to others they envy
  10. Someone who repeatedly expresses their dislike of someone or something which dislike is firm and unshakable despite any evidence tending to show its inappropriateness or error
  11. Severe dislike or disgust, abhorrent
  12. Someone whose self-esteem is so low, they can see the good in those who are different from them
  13. A person who due to bitterness, envy or jealousy, looks at others with disdain, being incapable of showing them support, compassion of kindness
  14. A person who is obsessively negative about a particular target
  15. Someone without kindness, tolerance or forgiveness

When Haters Hate Fill Them With Love

It’s crazy that we look at such terms these days. In a recent Instagram post, I shared a quote to which a fellow writer expressed surprise that she shudders to think that there are those who wish to see her stagnate. Sadly, as the above definitions show, there are indeed many who dislike the progress that others make. To them it would be wise to not dwell on it but fill them with love.

Ever had a dissatisfying experience with a so-called hater? How did you handle it? Do share. We would love to hear!


6 Powerful Women In Reggae Speak…

From Tanzania, Jamaica, and across the United States, 6 powerful women in reggae shared their thoughts on women singing, songwriting and the associated struggles of survival in a predominantly male role.

It was a such joy to cohost the event with artistes Marcia Griffiths, Carlene Davis, Jah9, Naomi Cowan, and Etana as we celebrated the occasion of VP Records Miss Pat’s new book. Thanks Dr. Claire Nelson, white-house champion of change and Founder of the Institute of CAribbean Studies, Washington DC

Missed it? Listen here

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