What Is Your Biggest Fear?

We all become fearful at one point or other. So when this Question was asked in a public forum: “What is your biggest fear?” I was in intrigued and quickly scanned the conversation. Here I share excerpts gleaned as the public chimed in.

  • Not being enough
  • Unhappiness
  • Financial stability
  • Being alone
  • Gaining weight
  • Losing myself
  • Marriage breaking up
  • My writing failing
  • Being list at my career
  • The vast ocean
  • Can’t help family financially
  • Not living up to expectations
  • Losing my dream
  • Fear of disappointing everyone
  • Failing exams
  • Abandonment
  • Adulthood
  • Being left alone
  • Taken for granted
  • Choosing the wrong career path
  • Not knowing how to make new friends

Fear is real. Sometimes it puts a limit on us. Like I have always said, don’t let fear stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. Do it afraid if you have to. Don’t let fear stop.

What are you afraid if? Share. We would love to hear.


Photo by Ono Kosuki on Pexels.com

Words To Use Instead Of “Very” …

Life changes very quickly in a very positive way if you let it

Lindsey Vonn

The word “Very” is often overused, articulated Tina O’Rourke in a public writers forum. Personally. as an author you may feel the same way. Here’s s list of replacement words you can adapt instead.


Writers Abandoned Manuscripts: Suzanne Bennett’s 7 Ideas For What To Do With Them…

Writers always produce more than they share with readers. Even bestseller authors have abandoned manuscripts. This article will give you some ideas on what to do with them.

Writers Write

Loved these Writers Write tips for those who write and have manuscripts that just can’t get done. Suzzanne Bennett shares 7 Ideas of what to do with abandoned writings. Here I share my favorite 3.

  • Create a space. Call it ‘graveyard,’ ‘slush pile,’ or ‘bits n bobs
  • Salvage the Wreck. The ‘To Salvage’ file contains revamped manuscripts that you still consider terrible, but where you hope to find a few nuggets of gold.
  • Revisit your Graveyard in times of need. Whenever you need inspiration, go to your pile of manuscripts, and start reading. You might just find a darling that once was ‘killed’

These were my favorites. Do you have abandoned writers? What can you do with them? Do share. We would love to hear.


Fear Of Dying With Unaccomplished Dreams…

Success Strategies

My greatest fear is dying without accomplishing my own dreams.

A middle-aged woman was deeply depressed. She had helped her children succeed in life. When they bought their first house, she was there. When they had their kids, she was there. A child needed to be picked up, she was there. However through a series of events, she began reflecting. She got stuck and locked herself away from others. When we finally spoke, she shared that she loves her kids and was happy with their success, but her greatest fear was dying without accomplishing her own dreams.

The Selfish Few

Aren’t we like that at times? We are always there for others to the detriment of our own dreams. Those who step out and go after their dreams without considering others are termed selfish. The challenge is for us to find the right balance. The balance to remember our own…

View original post 435 more words

Dance Out There Without Fear. An Anthropologist Speaks…

The body says what words cannot

~Martha Graham

Joelle Powe was recognized as one of the Institute of CAribbean Studies, Washington DC, 30 Under 30 honoree in 2021. Take a look at her documentary on Jamaica’s Dance as she studies Anthropology at the University.

Seep in and prepare to be inspired.

Poet’s Defining Moment. The Story Of A Mother As Told By A Daughter…

The Story of a Mother as told by a Daughter.
A Literary Conversation with Author & Poet Susan Lycett Davis (Dr Sue)

A Miami Book Fair annual Author Feature

Living a HIP Life is a Great inspirational stocking stuffer available from Dr Sue and on Amazon

Listen in https://bit.ly/3C1cQ76

Interested In Starting Your Writing Journey? 18 Tips For Beginners…

Write. Just Write

Success Strategies


Read a lot. Write a lot.

And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Tips gleaned from experienced authors to those interested in venturing out on their own writing journey.

  1. Write. Keep writing.
  2. Read a lot so you understand how others do what they do
  3. Learn the craft …that is part of writing
  4. Proofread. Rewrite so it makes sense
  5. Learn the craft. Books, classes, YouTube
  6. Be yourself. Tell the story
  7. Brainstorm writing ideas
  8. It takes a lot of sacrifice
  9. Find online sites that accept free submissions. Publish 800-1200 word articles on a subject that interests you. Write and submit articles to many sites. Once accepted try longer pieces
  10. Don’t let “no thanks” deter you.
  11. Read, read, master the language you want to write in. Read…

View original post 177 more words

To Read Or To Listen? Booklovers 9 Reading Apps….

When the newest version of your book GreenLight shows up next to a celebrity’s, what do you do? You promote!
GreenLight audiobook is now available wherever you listen. On medium such as ListenUp, OverDrive, KOBO, Libro.fm, scribd, googleplay, and more.

Feeling down or discouraged? Listen in now. Or Gift it to someone who is sick, fearful or demotivated during this very long period of the Pandemic.

Booklovers Reading App

Naive to the fact there are many reading apps available? As a writer I guess it’s important to know the different media available as a resource. So too should booklovers. So I delved in and here I share 9.

  7. EPIC!
  8. MARVIN 3

Hope this has enlightened you to review the lust and select one or two as your favorite. Oh and by the way, if your own medium is missing, do share. We would love to hear.


Writers Escape. The She-Shed Inspiration …

Writers desired escape seems far fetched. The longing to get away to a quiet place to write. It seems the more the writer seeks the faster it disappears. Yes that quiet space to retreat.

HGTV’s 16 She Shed ideas provides the perfect solace. Here I share my favorite two. Ohhh the dream to steal away to write, just write in an ideal writer’s space.

Take a peek and share your own fav.


19 Things To Inspire Your Writing…

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.
— Louis L’Amour

Success Strategies

I sat staring into the distance. Pondering. What to write? What to post? Haven’t we all been there at one time or other? Times when we don’t know what to write-be it social, blog, or book. Jen dePaula shared 40 Things to inspire your writing. I liked 19 and share these below.

  1. Share a motivational or inspiring quote
  2. Share a link to your new blog post.
  3. Highlight a fan with an @mention and thank them for their support.
  4. Share what you’re currently reading and tag the author.
  5. Do a #TBT (Throw Back Thursday) by sharing an old picture.
  6. Share one of your favorite writing tools (whether it be digital or a physical tool).
  7. Share an interesting article or blog post that someone else has written – be sure to tag them in the post.
  8. Share a picture that your child (niece, nephew, friend) drew.
  9. Share some of your favorite songs/albums you like…

View original post 123 more words

Answering daily prompts

In this blog I'm attempting to answer wordpress daily prompts


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Moonwashed Musings

we see the same moon; you and I


When God Says Go


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